Dentures are a popular dental restoration for people of all ages. Depending on the number of natural teeth you have lost and their location, you can receive partial or full dentures. Dentures are removable unless you opt for implant-supported dentures that remain in your mouth permanently.
Single-Tooth Denture
When you are only missing one natural tooth, Dr. Tris J. Carta works with our dental laboratory to create a removable retainer with a replacement tooth attached to it. Dr. Carta measures the exact location of the missing tooth to ensure that the artificial tooth covers the gap in your smile. You can also consider a single implant to support your replacement tooth.
Partial Dentures or a Fixed Bridge
Partial dentures are for people who have lost two or more consecutive teeth on either the top or bottom jaw. This type of denture consists of a gum-colored or pink bridge or denture with artificial teeth attached to it. The artificial teeth match up to the point on your jaw where you previously had natural teeth. You can remove the device as needed.
When you receive a fixed bridge, Dr. Carta attaches thin wires to the back of each tooth surrounding the missing tooth. The nearby teeth need to be strong enough to support the fixed bridge for years to come.
Complete Dentures
You need to wait approximately eight to 12 weeks after having teeth extracted to have a full set of dentures installed. This is necessary to give your gums and jaw adequate time to heal after the last oral surgery. We can provide you with a temporary set of dentures to wear in the meantime that does not place too much stress on your gums.
Dr. Carta takes several X-rays and impressions of your gums to help construct your new set of complete dentures. As soon as our laboratory notifies us that they have finished creating your customized dentures, we reach out to have you come in for a denture fitting. Dr. Carta makes any necessary adjustments at that time to ensure that your dentures are comfortable enough for you to wear all day long.
Please request a consultation to learn more about dentures in Manchester, CT, and whether they suit you.